Hunder, Nubra Valley-Ladakh, Leh 194401, India, India
In the middle of the village is the 'Hotel Snow Leopard'. It is about 10km from Disket Monastery and around 125km from Leh and is known for providing guests with homely atmosphere and comfort. It is a place away from outside disturbance and noise. Neither traffic nor hustle and bustle disturbs the guest's peace. Its calm environment, the natural park landscape surrounded by flowers, plants, fruits, lawns and running water, with food and comfortably furnished accommodation at reasonable prices is a dream of every traveller. The hotel is managed by the owner, who personally makes sure that the wishes of even the most demanding guests are fulfilled.
It is a great honour to welcome you here at our new homepage. Our hotel was one of the first hotels to start its services in Hunder and has been owned and operated from the first day by our family.
The hotel has 22 well appointed, simple and elegant rooms with attached bathrooms having running hot and cold shower.
Good to know | |||
Check-in | 12:00 PM | Check-out | 11:00 AM |
Extra adult in the same Room/Camp will be 35% extra of the total package cost
It is increasingly easy to organize a trip to Rishikesh, taking advantage of one of our hassle free travel packages, available only with us.
The Best Price Guaranteed. A direct charge of your reservation by the hotel team. No fee for booking.
Our goal is to revolutionize the journey. Our priority is your safety.